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Peaceful and silent forest of San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas Mexico, perfect locati

Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat

At Casa Arkaana - Tulum, Mexico

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7-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat

With Sasha Medvedovskaya & Kyle Brooks
Upcoming Retreat Dates:
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In The Jungle of Tulum, Mexico
@ Casa Arkaana

November 9-15, 2025

The Quantum Leap From the Head to the Heart

This retreat is a profound initiation into the principle journey of this life, the journey from the head to the heart. The journey from doing to being, from thinking about yourself and your life, to direct intimacy and immediacy with all of life.​​

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At Casa Arkaana

For the first time, we are offering this profoundly potent retreat in the perfect peace and stillness of the Mayan jungles of Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

"Nestled deep in the pristine Mayan jungle is your home away from home.

A peaceful, safe, sustainable and intentional sanctuary; wholeheartedly created to support your journey of evolution, reconnection, optimization, expansion, and liberation.

Our project is focused on the healing arts, conscious transformation, permaculture, and slow, sustainable living.
We facilitate and host a wide variety of holistic retreats, events, weddings and conscious gatherings. At Casa Arkaana, we are completely powered by solar energy and our water comes from our well.
Our united vision is to hold space for healing, learning, and transformation while living and working in harmony and reciprocity with nature.

Join us at our Mayan jungle retreat center on the outskirts of Tulum for a transformative experience."

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat

Welcome Back Home to the Heart

This 10-day silent meditation retreat was created by Hridaya Yoga founder, Sahajananda, to introduce the practice of self-inquiry meditation.

The retreat starts with the basics of meditation practice in the context of the non-dual philosophy of Hridaya Yoga. We take the heart, the centre point of the experience of self, as the foundation of the practice.


Meditation here is not practiced as a concentration technique to control and silence the mind, but as a way of opening to deeper and deeper layers of self awareness, self acceptance leading towards an unconditional, loving embrace of ourselves, and of life.



This retreat presents a practical understanding of non-duality, meditation and an integrative approach to the spiritual life.

During This Retreat You Will Learn and Practice

  • Ramana Maharshi’s Atma Vichara method of self inquiry meditation (Who Am I?)

  • Supplementary techniques that help to understand various aspects of meditation, like developing body awareness, calming a restless mind, working with emotions, opening the heart and more.

  • Study of the symbolism of the Spiritual Heart

  • A practical approach to the non-dual teachings of both Advaita Vedanta and non-dual tantric shaivism.

  • Hatha Yoga sessions in the Hridaya Yoga style.

  • Sacred Poetry

  • The four fundamental stages in the process of the revelation of the Spiritual Heart.

  • Daily meditations on themes connected with Self-revelation.

  • Surrender as the fundamental step in the path of awakening

Retreat Testimonials

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"Casa Arkaana’s spaces offer an earthy, ethnic, and organic feel, merging the comfort of the indoors with the beauty of the outdoors. Our retreat center invites nature in, featuring breathtaking jungle views, abundant natural airflow, and plenty of sunlight. Enjoy the perfect balance of coziness and connection to the great outdoors.

We built and decorated our spaces using local materials and craftsmanship. This includes upcycling fallen trees, using local limestone for walls and paths, and utilizing palm and grass fronds for roofing. We also support local artisans and craftspeople, ensuring a positive impact on the land and community."

There is also a large swimming pool to make use of during breaks.

Jungle Casitas

For those seeking a secluded space surrounded by trees, our Jungle Casitas are the ideal choice. With large windows that immerse you in the beauty of nature, you'll feel truly connected to the jungle. These Jungle Casitas offer a serene escape with a shared bathroom, providing both comfort and an authentic nature experience.


This stunning, comfortable 4-bedroom house has an organic, bohemian feel and epic jungle views. There is natural airflow and plenty of light pouring in. Each bedroom has wi-fi, a full en-suite bathroom (with hot water), fans, and shelves to unpack your bag and feel at home. A deck seating area to contemplate the jungle and relax.​​

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"At Casa Arkaana, our 'Edible Alchemy' menus are custom made for each retreat, considering the needs of the group. We use local seasonal organic ingredients as much as possible. Our menu is inspired in high vibration nutritious and delicious global flavors."

The retreat includes 3 delicious and nutritious vegetarian or vegan meals each day. 

Accommodations can be made for those with allergies, just let us know in your registration form. 


Cost Breakdown

7-Day Retreat: 

Course Fee:
$ 489 USD​
Food and Accommodation:
$640 USD

Total Cost:
$ 1129 USD

Includes 3 delicious vegetarian or vegan meals per day.
All food is made with local, season and when possible, organic ingredients

You can also find us on

“I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.”

- Rumi


Check-in and Arrival

will be on November 9th at 13:00

We will start the first retreat session around 15:30

This session will include a welcome and sharing/orientation talk,

Our first instructional session and our first practice together.

The daily Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat schedule is split into two parts:

A morning session (07:00-13:00) and an afternoon/evening session (15:30-21:30).

07:00-09:00 Meditation

This meditation will begin in smaller segments (for example, with short hourly breaks), building to one continuous, deep meditation session.

09:00-10:00 Breakfast

Breakfast available in the Hridaya Yoga Center Dining Room at 09.15.

10:00-12:30 Q&A and Relevant lecture teaching
12:30-13:45 Hatha Yoga

Practice of techniques, especially those that facilitate the revelation of the Spiritual Heart: a simultaneous (class-like) group practice.

13:45-14:15 Meditation

The revelation of the Spiritual Heart.

14:15-16:00 Lunch and rest

Lunch available in the Hridaya Yoga Dining Room.

16:00-18:30 Meditation

This meditation will begin in smaller segments (for example, with short hourly breaks), building to one continuous, deep meditation session.

18:30-19:30 Dinner

Dinner available in the Hridaya Yoga Dining Room from the 18.15.

19:30-21:15 Spiritual discourse lecture and final evening meditation

A single, gentle bell-ring will mark the end of each meditation or other period, and will signal a short break. A series of bell tones will indicate that the next meditation or other period will begin within two minutes and that it is time to take your seat and cease movement in the hall. A final, single bell will signal the start of a new session. Please do not enter the hall after the final bell has rung.

Check-out and Departure

will be on November 15th at 13:00

There will be a full morning session including a special topic to close the retreat, followed by a sharing circle to close out the retreat.

Not Sure If This Retreat Is For You?

Take 90 seconds to fill out this short questionnaire and based on your answers, doubts, concerns and questions, we'll get right back to you!


Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom. 

― Lao Tzu

After Your Retreat

Join our 8-Week Online Integration Course.

This is a profound extension to the content of the retreat!

Through 8 weekly live calls we will dive some familiar topics from the retreat, like trust and surrender, as well as awareness of awareness and self inquiry. 

We will also explore new topics, such as emotional digestion, conscious relationships and more!

With Kyle & Sasha

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