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Conscious Relationships
& Sacred Sexuality

Conscious Relationship and Sacred Sexuality
5-Day Retreat:

Next Retreat Dates:
December 6-12, 2024
January 21-27, 2025
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All relationships go through cycles, ups and downs. Some of us cycle through relationship after relationship. 

What makes some relationships thrive while others just fade out or descend into pain and conflict?

Ready for Truly Conscious Relating?

Have you ever wondered: - How can a romantic relationship become part of your spiritual path? ​- How to stop falling into the same patterns of disconnection and instead stay open in the face of difficulty? ​- How can conflict bring us closer and cultivate deeper trust? ​- How to maintain the fire of passion in your relationship when it becomes dry and flat? This retreat explores these topics and provides practical tools (techniques, meditations, etc.) for building harmonious and profound relationships. It is an opportunity to understand and overcome limiting patterns. Learn to relax and open into a relationship based on trust and unconditional love.


This Workshop Is A Unique And Powerful Mixture Of:

Spiritual teachings of the Heart

Which guide us towards recognizing our Essence as Love, as one Heart... to act, see, think as Love and, eventually, to dissolve into Love.

Authentic Tantric vision & practices on Love & Sexuality

Which inspire deeper passion through the cultivation of polar energies and transmutation of these energies into sacred union with the Divine.

Psychotherapeutic techniques

Which are practical tools aimed to bring more awareness and healing into our patterns and tendencies which often “destroy” our love relationships.

The workshop does not include any nudity or explicit sexuality.
Individuals and couples are both welcome to join.

Join us in this beautiful and profound journey dedicated to Love, Conscious Relationship, and Sacred Intimacy.

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In many spiritual traditions Love is considered to be our deepest Essence and the highest state of Consciousness, while a romantic relationship is seen as one of the hardest but also most direct paths towards awakening and liberation. Indeed, life presents many beautiful opportunities to us, but often we find ourselves lost in our subconscious patterns, mental strategies, and automatic reactions, so we are not able to go deeper and discover our true Essence, beyond all these superficial layers. Tantric spiritual tradition, as well as modern psychotherapy, offer beautiful and powerful tools aiming to bring more awareness and light into these parts of our being. Ultimately in order to truly “marry” our partner we need first “marry” ourselves. So, it is a journey that starts from learning to know, accept and love yourself fully and eventually come in touch with your deepest Essence. That is a solid basis for learning how to remain present in any challenging situation, to behold your dear one, and to be able to recognize his/her true Essence behind the veils. These are the essential conditions where true Love can blossom, where we can help each other in healing the wounds and going beyond boundaries. We pass from neediness and codependence to Openness and Trust, practiced no matter what. We are in a relationship not because there is a sense of lack or the need to fill up an empty hole in us, but because we feel so alive and full that we are longing to share Love and Beauty with another being. Gradually we pass from personal "needy" love to unconditional "generous" love and eventually we recognize Love as our True Nature, dissolving our personal limitations into it. Trust, Presence and Love are the main pillars of a harmonious relationship and we will learn how to cultivate them in our daily life. We will discover the importance of opening the body & heart and practicing Openness no matter what. We will see how the play of polarity can increase passion and bring more aliveness&beauty into the relationship. We will also explore Tantric approach to sexuality, learning how to bring sacredness into lovemaking, how to open ourselves to divine pleasure by relaxing the body, allowing the sexual energy to freely flow in us and deepening the senses. Ultimately, we will see that relationships and sexuality can become a beautiful spiritual path in itself which supports the process of awakening.

“I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.”

- Rumi

Price & Food & Accommodation

5-Day Retreat:

Course Fee: 7,800MXN​

Accommodation per 6 nights:

Option #1: a single bed in a dorm (2 bunk bed  - max.4 people per room): 1,950MXN

Option #2: a single bed in a twin room with a shared bathroom and private terrace: 3,240MXN

Option #3: you may choose to stay off-site and come every day from San Cristobal de Las Casas - 20 min by car


Meals: 2,480MXN (3 meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner) 

Total Price

Option 1: 12,230MXN
Option 2: 13,520MXN
Option 3: 10,280MXN

With option #3 you can choose to provide your own food and not pay for meals at the centre. If you wish to choose this option, just send us a message and we will take this into account. in this case you will pay the 2000MXN deposit and 5,800MXN upon arrival to complete the course fee.

7-Day Retreat

Course Fee: 10 900 MXN​

Accommodation per 6 nights

Option #1: a single bed in a dorm (2 bunk bed  - max.4 people per room): 2600 MXN

Option #2: a single bed in a twin room with a shared bathroom and private terrace: 4320MXN

Option #3: you may choose to stay off-site and come every day from San Cristobal de Las Casas - 20 min by car

Meals: 3 410 MXN (3 meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Total Price

Option 1: 16,910 MXN
Option 2: 18 630 MXN
Option 3: 12 500MXN  ( only lunch included) and 14 310 MXN ( full meal plan)

With option #3 you can choose to provide your own food and not pay for meals at the centre. If you wish to choose this option, just send us a message and we will take this into account. in this case you will pay the 2000MXN deposit and 5,800MXN upon arrival to complete the course fee.


"The experience of Self is only Love, which is seeing only love, hearing only love, feeling only love, tasting only love and smelling only love, which is bliss.. 

― Ramana Maharshi


Powerful practical ways to approach your loved ones (and all beings) with an open and discerning heart, which is a naturally loving heart To recognize patterns, fears, and beliefs that block you from true intimacy and discover a deeper space of trust and love beyond all of them The inner attitude necessary to go through challenges in relationships and how to use these difficulties to empower your spiritual practice and bring forth a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner


Opening your heart through the joy of loving and admiring the beauty in the one in front of you Healing wounds in relationships and accessing deeper inner stability Different ways to use Love to dissolve the separation between yourself, others, and the source of Life Cultivating Openness and Presence and availability in any situation

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The curriculum of this workshop includes numerous psychotherapeutic & healing techniques from various schools and renown authors (H. Hendrix, M. Rosenberg, O. Matveev, D. Schnarch, etc.) as well as traditional sources such as Taoism, Tantra, and Sufism.


Eye-opening lectures, effective methods from Hatha Yoga, and partner meditations create an inspiring and intimate atmosphere.

We invite you to embark on this amazing journey where

We Will Practice And Learn:

- to open ourselves to another being, and eventually to the Life & Love
- to develop the heart as an organ of knowledge so we can truly see our partner.
- to grow from ego-centered love towards unconditional love, Divine Love
- to attract the right partner to our life.
- to bring awareness and healing into our emotional patterns and childhood wounds related to the relationships
- how to support each other instead of constantly hurting and reactivating the same patterns and wounds
- to transform conflicts into opportunities
- how to maintain the fire of passion
- how to develop our senses and how to open our bodies to pleasure
- how to develop fundamental trust
- how to bring a sense of sacredness into lovemaking
- how to open ourselves to pleasure
- how relationships and sexuality can become an important part of the process of spiritual awakening.

We Will Explore Together:

The fundamental pillars of intimate conscious relationships: Presence, Trust, Love Self-Inquiry
Meditation techniques for opening body, mind, heart
The Techniques to improve communication with our partners.
The stages of evolution in a relationship
Different types of relationships (monogamy, polyamory, etc.)
Importance of intention and commitment
Imago Therapy: based on what subconscious patterns we choose our partners
Self-Study & Acceptance & Self-Love as the base of building a healthy relationship
The importance of practicing Openness and Relaxation in life and relationship
Sacredness and transfiguration
Polarity: Understanding the role of attraction and playfulness
Tantra and the importance of preserving sexual energy in an intimate relationship
Tantric lovemaking skills for men
Orgasmic opening for women
Naturalness and trust in lovemakingThe fundamental pillars of intimate conscious relationships: Presence, love, authenticity, truthfulness, and vulnerability

You’ll discover that the person closest to you is often the perfect teacher—sharing the same existence, the same love, the same essence. To understand that essence, you need to know and embrace your beloved intimately. But, total transparency and connection are impossible until you know yourself and recognize who you truly are.


The workshop will begin in the morning, so we suggest arriving in San Cristobal de Las Casas the day before the course starts. If you are not staying on-site, please come to the Hridaya Family Center a few minutes before 9:00 am on the first day to complete the registration process.

Morning Sessions: 09:00-13:00 am
Afternoon Sessions: 3:30-7:00 pm

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